Monday, December 10, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Alright, so Flash mobs are where it is at! These are freaking awesome. I would literally die if I ever saw one, and I think everyone knows me that I would swan dive into a flashmob if I had time to join one. Regardless I have a few flash mobs that literally slay me every time. This first one is a great one because of the fantastic mash-up. Great songs that literally get everyone moving..coupled with AMAZING dance moves. I absolutely wish that I was in this one because I may have been seen doing these moves..all of the time..
Then My next favorite is solely because of the song. Growing up my mother made us watch the sound of music all of the time, we have even been known to attend a sound of music sing along show or sister even was in the play. SO basically we know the movie, and Julie Andrews is fantastic #slightlyobsessed. THis one definitely calls my name.
The final one I feel is very fitting for the holiday season that is upon us. It is very easy to get mixed up in the hustle and bustle of finding presents and getting gifts. Bt try to think about what is really important to you during the holiday season. Family, and the gift of giving.
Then My next favorite is solely because of the song. Growing up my mother made us watch the sound of music all of the time, we have even been known to attend a sound of music sing along show or sister even was in the play. SO basically we know the movie, and Julie Andrews is fantastic #slightlyobsessed. THis one definitely calls my name.
The final one I feel is very fitting for the holiday season that is upon us. It is very easy to get mixed up in the hustle and bustle of finding presents and getting gifts. Bt try to think about what is really important to you during the holiday season. Family, and the gift of giving.
I'm Confused

When these two humanoids were first shown in class, my reaction was definitely like...hmm da fuck does Santi have us looking at now. Well I still kind of think that, but these humanoids are known as Eva and Adele.
Eva and Adele are a couple from Berlin. Their story is strange from the beginning, they claim to be from a different time, and that their time traveler had dropped them off in 1989, when they first came into the art world. Eva is the "man" of the couple, although she believes entirely that her soul is female. And was even able to change her birth certificate to female...idk its weird. Adele is the female of the group, orginally. She kept her sex.
The couple wanted to be married as to females, and began to alter themselves so that the two looked almost identical. They wanted to become a living artwork. AS a couple they feel that there is no difference between the other and want to show that they are virtually the extension of the other.
Ok so lets break it down, these two women (as of recent one is now a women) are from the future, and want to be a living art form. Well they have to be neurotic. Its literally crazy to think that they do stuff like this, to alter their bodies just to match each other. It freaks me out and if I was by them I would probably huddle in a corner afraid they'd talk to me. BUT the best part about this is how art takes ANY FORM. They are the living embodiment of art. It has no boundaries, and it stay true to itself no matter what comes towards it. And that incredible. ITs as if you wanted to be able to talk to your favorite painting...and now you can. Creepy, but sooo out there that its wonderful.
Iconoclasts are a group of artists that had one goal in mind, to go against and essentially destroy the process that religious figures had set up over years and years. They purposefully sought to degrade religious paintings and sculptures because they began to reject what they we calling for, they gave no fucks about it. Typically these artists appeared or started to paint this way when they were stuck between large religious movements, or even political movements sparked an uprising from these artists. They believed that it was their "divine objective" to get rid of these idols, to cause an uprising to overthrow them and destroy the sanctity of their images/meanings.
Today these objectives have stayed the same, these artists are trying to destroy the meanings of somethings, but the goal has no longer stayed with just religion. Now artists have begun to think of ways to cause obstruction or stop the progress of any new belief that is pressing or strong during that time. Although radical and extreme, it seems to be necessary for this to happen. A lot of reform comes from the loudest most influential speakers. Fortunately, everyone depends on art and aesthetics for something in their life. This means that these artists have been the voice or at the very least a spark to initiate this change. They test boundaries, and do not stand for things if there is something wrong with it. Most times the people are on their side, which is when Iconoclasm can be found at a high. However, when these artists lose footing, the ideas go away and they keep things as is.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Performance Art Piece: Extra Eye
I decided that technology to me means an eye on others, a way of watching and remembering what goes on around me. I find myself also watching and waiting for reactions. SO I decided to take my cray to a place that knows it all too well, the crew team. And they acted just as I wanted. It is interesting to see how an "Extra Eye" changes people...
Monday, November 26, 2012
Joseph Beuys, Whats Happening?!

Beuys art is very well known because of its high impacts on society because no one knew what to do. He once lived in a room with a coyote. Now this is A WILD ANIMAL...LIVINGGGG IN THE SAME ROOM. Sounds strange, and it is. But Joseph whole heartedly believed that happenings such as these placed him closer to these worlds of spirits and animal contact. They gave him a sense of comfort and peace becasue he was able to in his mind connect. And its good because he didn't always connect with everyday people.

He did many more art performances, not exactly this extreme, but many like it. He is also seen dawning a blanket around from time to time, which is a well known signature.
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Red Scare
Joseph McCarthy was a Wisconsin Senator from the 1950's that led one of the largest attacks on communism in America. However, his tactics and the outcomes turned out to be rather questionable

Leading the search from 1950 to 1954, McCarthy accused hundreds of treason, selling secrets to the then Soviet Union, and all of this was done without proper evidence. Many people were placed on black list and reputations ruined because no one wanted to associate with a communist. He used this tactic to destroy many political careers (interesting as he was a senator trying to win votes) and also ruined artists lives because they were never able to find jobs again. All of this seems rather interesting that people continually followed, seeing as Joseph was a DRUNK! Homeboy was sippin' gin and juice like it was his job, in between spouts of communist accusations. So it can never really be clear if he actually believed this, or if his drunk ass was just hungover and pissed off at people..or just drunk and pissed off at people.
Regardless this was silenced by the US Senate towards the end of his political stent. They found that he was crazy and has no base to accuse people of this. HE later died of hepatitis and liver problems...believed from his heavy drinking.
Still the story continues after his death. Investigations were conducted because treason is not taken lightly in the US.. especially during the cold war. And the government found that this crazy drunk had some actually results. there were people selling secrets to the Soviets...although most of them were not the accused, and often had cried wolf during the red scare. So overall, he had a great idea to accuse people and find them guilty...he just did not have any evidence. YOLO
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The Dream Master

The "hallucinations"get really intense and they turn into swirling colors and shapes. However, this is simply corrected by opening ones eyes.
Although Gysin was such an avid artist in the creative realms outside of paint, his heart belonged to the canvas as he loved to paint and draw. His works we modeled after the scripts from the Arabic and Japanese languages.
With this project I took the time to really figure out a good plan of attack and wanted to see this work embody something I've always wanted to do. I figured that if I'm going to be recreating my body, why not fulfill a dream and be awesome. SO IMMEDIATELY flying came to mind and I was determined to make myself fly in this project.

I started with the idea:
A red cape flying through the air. then I had to get the supplies by photo copying almost every part of my body to get a complete sculpture of myself.
With these I then began to construct myself in a way that I know I could fly.

I accidentally left part of myself behind..
I soon began to tighten everything up
Then my whole body took flight and I was off saving the day!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Soo let's break this down really quickly. BAUHAUS...originally known as Staatliches Bauhaus... is an art school in Germany that was a epicenter for art development. Now you may be thinking...yo its a school, that's the point, to develop. However, what this school does is something COMPLETELY different and new. It has classes that teach fine arts, as many schools do, and it also has trade/craft classes, as again many schools do. But with these classes, they take aspects of both and combine them into a craft-fine art melting pot of awesome.
You can see this melting-pot reference just from its foundations. The idea behind the entire school was meant to create a art work covering all forms of art, or a "total" art piece. This reaches into every aspect such as: painting, sculpting, wood carving, steel work, and even architecture. These different art parts and thinking processes are used to develop every piece that was created with in the confines of this school.
Although the school was eventually forced to close by Nazi Regimes during a time of very high development, it was eventually re-opened and turned into a private school of arts in the 30's. Today, however, moderns architecture and graphic design are living replicas of this school and the works here. Its works have inspired companies like Ikea to invent new works, and even led to contractor constructing buildings with these designs. The designs are very unique, and often time are meant to have a second purpose, or make things easier and more accessible/helpful for human use.

Dada Manifesto

Dada spent a lot of time throwing things back to the public. There was a lot of confusion in the world because of the wars happening. And the artists were the ones struggling most from this, which led them to turning their back on not just the world...but also the art world. Thats where Dada came from.

Now later Tristan Tzara publishes one of the most important pieces about the Dada movement. Although his too explained a lot of what Dada was about and tried to convince people that it is real and what the motives were. His manifesto took the publication of the movement one step further, and had the goal of spreading the movement and the ideas behind it. He essentially wanted every artist creating Dada works. It seems as though he wanted to fully engulf the art world in the Dada movement, and essentially they were able to. Everyone was joining, and it was the foundation of the soon to develop surrealist movement.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Grid Project
The idea behind my grid project first came from a picture of myself. It is my profile picture, and basically sums me up.

I love the sport of rowing, and this was taken about a week before my international showcase event at the US U23 National Regatta. I took this photo and then saturated it to a black and white copy.
I pixelated the picture, and then was able to convert these colors into the 10 basic colors that were used in the gray scale copy. This conversion helped create a "paint-by-number" grid for me.
Originally this was supposed to be on a bubble wrap board, that was filled with tape. However, the bubble wrap was not as co-opperative as one may think, and no one wanted to sell needles for me to inject the bubbles....minor problems.
SO I then took the advice from class and reached for the candy!
I was able to find 10 different colors of skittles, and these were to now be my pixels on the bubble wrap board. The project was done by using Elmer's glue and Skittles across the board to create the image of me in my single scull. The project took FOREVER, and was very misleading, for when we looked at it from this view, nothing was really sticking out as shape or form.
However, Soon enough when you take a step back, and exam the whole grid...the image definitely popped out and said what uppp. (Over all the grid turned out to be 54 pixels across by 41 pixels down).
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Video Games and Bullying
There is no doubt in my mind that bullying is a huge problem today. Thee has always been an issue with it, but it seems as though the bullying is getting worse. Why? Well before we rally the troops, grab the pitch forks and torches, and start the witch hunt against video games...lets take a look at some information.
Bullying has been around, probably since man existed. You can even see it in the animal kingdom, they way animals interact with each other. But it is a way of life, everyone gets bullied. Yes, some more than others, but I am sorry, its going to happen. Now the degree to which someone is bullied varies. Most cases you are made fun of or the butt of a joke from time to time. THis seems like typical conversations and interactions, but is technically bullying. When someone is offended by an outward expression towards or against their person...that is an act of bullying.
But like I said, a majority of the cases are minimal and not really harmful, but instead help a person learn to overcome these things. There is also the larger scale ones, where it seems as though every day a person is the butt of jokes, they get made fun of or everyone goes after them. We can see it often times displayed in movies as the kid who gets his lunch money stolen or gets a wedgie over his head. Although this is a time of the past, people still say bullying is getting worse. With all the programs against can it keep getting worse? The us..ALL OF US.
With the new advances in technology bullying is no longer personl. I know it sounds strange, but when you think about it...bullying is an interaction between 2 or a few members. However, with all of the social media portals and different hi-speed technologies, bullying can not only be personal...but now electronically done. 1 kid can be made fun of by countless different ways all be she wore a bad outfit, or he said something funny. And what's worse is that people are looking for ways out of the blame. Parents are the ones allowing kids access to these items, and these are the things that are taking up a child's time. The Internet is were kids are.
So why then the witch hunt against violence on tv and violent games? Yes kids should probably have limited access to this because it s not suitable for all ages, but realistically they're going to find it all on-line. Tests have even been done and psychologists have found that kids are not more aggressive because of the actions that they see on tv, or because of the actions that they do on a game console. WHat is causing them is the amount of drugs parents want to put there kids on to ignore the problem. If you look in a medicine cabinet today, you will see countless prescriptions for children that will keep there mood this way, and make them focus from this time to that time.
Therefor, THE MIND IS NOT LEARNING! All that the brain and body is learning is that they need something to fulfill those desires. they need to either take the pills to effectively fill this void, or the body does what it is biologically meant to do and create things on their. And the children often look for ways to simulate this feeling, and this is done through situations of hi emotional excitement. SOme are able to find appropriate sources to figure these thins out, however, many do not because they do not have the means to. as a result, many kids are bullied today.
Bullying has been around, probably since man existed. You can even see it in the animal kingdom, they way animals interact with each other. But it is a way of life, everyone gets bullied. Yes, some more than others, but I am sorry, its going to happen. Now the degree to which someone is bullied varies. Most cases you are made fun of or the butt of a joke from time to time. THis seems like typical conversations and interactions, but is technically bullying. When someone is offended by an outward expression towards or against their person...that is an act of bullying.
But like I said, a majority of the cases are minimal and not really harmful, but instead help a person learn to overcome these things. There is also the larger scale ones, where it seems as though every day a person is the butt of jokes, they get made fun of or everyone goes after them. We can see it often times displayed in movies as the kid who gets his lunch money stolen or gets a wedgie over his head. Although this is a time of the past, people still say bullying is getting worse. With all the programs against can it keep getting worse? The us..ALL OF US.
With the new advances in technology bullying is no longer personl. I know it sounds strange, but when you think about it...bullying is an interaction between 2 or a few members. However, with all of the social media portals and different hi-speed technologies, bullying can not only be personal...but now electronically done. 1 kid can be made fun of by countless different ways all be she wore a bad outfit, or he said something funny. And what's worse is that people are looking for ways out of the blame. Parents are the ones allowing kids access to these items, and these are the things that are taking up a child's time. The Internet is were kids are.
So why then the witch hunt against violence on tv and violent games? Yes kids should probably have limited access to this because it s not suitable for all ages, but realistically they're going to find it all on-line. Tests have even been done and psychologists have found that kids are not more aggressive because of the actions that they see on tv, or because of the actions that they do on a game console. WHat is causing them is the amount of drugs parents want to put there kids on to ignore the problem. If you look in a medicine cabinet today, you will see countless prescriptions for children that will keep there mood this way, and make them focus from this time to that time.
Therefor, THE MIND IS NOT LEARNING! All that the brain and body is learning is that they need something to fulfill those desires. they need to either take the pills to effectively fill this void, or the body does what it is biologically meant to do and create things on their. And the children often look for ways to simulate this feeling, and this is done through situations of hi emotional excitement. SOme are able to find appropriate sources to figure these thins out, however, many do not because they do not have the means to. as a result, many kids are bullied today.
Adobe, a true building block in computer history
When some hear the word Adobe, the may think of the brown material that is the primary building supply of many homes in the southwest desert region of the us, and of course YOU WOULD BE RIGHT.

However, today MANY others may actually think of the annoying system that always updates your computer, but no matter what you MUST HAVE IT or else your computer will cease to function. Well, that may be a little bit of an over dramatization of the truth...but it really is import. And why you may ask? Well first look at the history of the company.
Founded in the 80's Adobe was in a time when computers were just starting to develop and were in a need to figure how the screen would work and function well for the users. After problems with Xerox, founder John Warnock said aint nobody got time for that, and left to start his own company...Adobe. His goals were to write a system that would allow pixels to form to create fonts and styles on the computer screen. And he achieved this with his Type 1 font library. This made it possible to changes fonts and allow the computer operator to actually see them on display as he typed them. However, this was no enough Microsoft was hot on his trail, and although Adobe worked with Apple, Inc. first, Microsoft got ahold of them. This led to a combined effort releasing the new OpenTable Font applications for computers. This virtually unlocked the realms of fonts and accurately displaying them on screens. But what was even better is now, they were able to print. And not just print the words, but have a laser printer accurately depict the screen on the paper. THe world of computer font manipulation had begun, and now the printer was traveling as a companion. FOr the world was opened to printing exactly what the screen had for it.
The Apple

* disclaimer: this is a fast forwarded timeline
The Apple has become a trademark symbol and name in so many ways. The apple first appears on a tree. It is a growth that holds the seeds of the tree to reproduce, and the fruit its self is simply the protection and future nourishment for those seeds. It is also the future nourishment for any hungry traveler who happens to chance upon the lovely red fruit.

WHY THE APPLE COMPANY IS CALLED APPLE! Well besides the now obvious references to knowledge and ALL THINGS GOOD, there was kind of a less complicated reason for naming the Apple company, Apple. And it all has to do with the founder...Steve Jobs. Some say he is a man of legends, and this would be correct. But he founded one of the most (if not the most) influential companies of our time. And there was never really a reason as to why he named it this way until later research was done. Jobs had been working in Oregon prior to the construction of the MacIntosh computer. No one new what exactly, but he was working on orchards up there (the obvious assumption is apple.) But thats really all there is to it, Jobs wanted to name it apple and this is all the information that we have about it.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
This website is pretty baller. There is so much information stacked on here that you really do not even have to look for it, all of the information is just sitting there waiting to be read. AND THE BEST PART! IT IS ALL INTERACTIVE. The viewer gets to click on EVERYTHING. This is especially true for the timeline.
WHen you first enter it you think, woah all I have to do IS scroll through the times and I'll get a picture and a fun fact...WRONG.. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE. When you scroll your pointer over the timeline you get links and more information and hidden facts. Then it does one much more, it takes you to the next year to do the same. They also link in more information that you can click on.
Now I know that this may sound like I am trying to promote this website, well its true I am. I don't really know what else to do with it. I can list the information that it has to offer... but then I'm plagiarizing, and it will most likely be not as creative.
SO instead of boring you..i decided to promote!
VISIT THIS WEBSITE! You will learn sooo many fun facts. I was even able to whip out one of these during a trivia night....which ultimately led me into the winning position aka I GOT FREE FOOD :)
To the Future and Beyond
Raymond Kurzwiel...better known as the "relentless genius"... is a freaking man beast of the furturist movement. His work is so outstanding in everything that he does. His works either presentation, published books, or simply a paper or pamphlet that he would like to express information on a given topic are filled with research as well as predictions. THese predictions are what makes Kurzwiel's publications so extraordinary. Not only does he start to develop and explain where the future is going with technology, but he now puts on a realistic goal and time frame as to when society can expect for this event to occur.
The biggest event that he has professed is his theory on nano technology. He has begun to focus a lot of his attention on these events. He has proposed that eventually humans will be able to extend their life span because these nano robotics will be working to help restore and promote healthier function of the cell and body. He also proposes that there will be nano technology that will help with medical surgeries, allowing them to target problematic areas more specifically. Which will make the procedures more accurate and effective. Which HOLY crap, if a little robot can fix my ailments more accurately than a person...IM IN
Monday, October 8, 2012
Orson Welles's ...War of the World
Once again we find ourselves looking at the works by Orson Welles. Because of his influential and fashion forward style, he has become one of the most influential artists of the 20 C. Starting with his broadway days, he then moved on to the radio before the previously mentioned big screen where he made is stake in history again. Although it was still developing when Welles decided to go on air, the effects he had on the radio were going to be a giant leap for the radio and rain as influence until the development of national television. (Still he has some influence on the tv because it started with soap operas.)
This 1938 thriller aired on halloween night as was one of the first full radio specials. This drama was such a new thing to the radio that no one new what to do with it. Movies had been out for a while, and talkies were just beginning to hit it big, when radio decided to use the audio and effects from movies...but now play them across the radio. There had certainly been other radio soaps before hand, but this was the first time that anybody had done it in a way were it was not just a talking drama, but it was an interactive narrative. It had cast members, a band playing music, and pit creating mood and certain sounds and screams to add to the audio effects. ANd boy did this revolutionary style of Dramatization have its impact.
This new style sent the North East and many parts of the country into a stampede of terror. No one had heard stories such as these, so they began to believe them. The way it interrupted braodcasts and took on the feel of a radio news caster was unbelievable. THe story is of aliens attacking the world, and a news reporter is coming in an out with what the aliens are doing to the area. Although announced as a syfi thriller at the beginning of the series, the new style of drama was catching many people off guard. Their was also the problem of people who tuned in after the opening credits, that began to think that this was an emergency broadcast.
This sent shockwaves of terror, and unfortunately people actually began to act as though there was an alien invasion occurring, and they had to leave or duck for cover. Mass hysteria broke out, and millions of people started to flee. Hundreds committed suicide because they would have rather died then be taken by the aliens. THis was one of the largest mass suicide events that the world has ever seen, all because of a new technology that allowed people to lay on the perception of reality during their performance.
Look inside the Mind
Scientists have developed a way where they can now read minds.....does anybody see a problem with this?
Technological advances has made it possible for scientists to now start reconstructing images, simply by scanning the brain activity. Yes I said simply, because brain scans have been around for such a long time now. CAT scans and MRI machines have been used and been developing for years now as research has proved new ways to use rays and light to pass through the body. However, now scientists have up-ed the game, and started to make even more meaning of these brain scans.
They are now examining how different parts of the brain function to create the images that we see. Such as regions firing when we see color, or firing when we see something familiar to us, or constructing movement and depth. This has allowed the scientists to use the firing spots, and have computers start to reconstruct the images of what the brain just saw. Essentially they are now reading minds.
This is a problem, because the brain retains memory. Meaning if someone is under this machine and thinks of say their family picture from christmas this year, a computer can now theoretically reconstruct this image. Which is AMAZING. People forget all the time, but now there is a way to figure it out again because of the layers of the brain. Or say you saw something in a crime, or simply want to just save for your own personal needs, then there can be a way to reconstruct this image, and string a bunch together... now a memory has been created in a movie. WHAT??? The possibilities are endless and they are going to have to keep developing this to clearly make an impact.
However...I see a few problems with this. 1)Its your mind...why would you want any body reading it. A lot of personal things occur up there, and in your life. However these machines can make that all go away, and learn everything there is to learn about a person. 2)If the can steal memories...does this mean they can create memeories. Sacrifices have always been made for the advancement of technology...I did not know freedom of thinking was going to be the next. If they can extract images...they certainly will develop away to put images in....essentially making the real world confusing. You will never know if something has been placed into your life because now an outside vender has control and they can make you function in an way possible. This is allll wayyy too much for me to handle. Next things zombies will actuallay exist...and no one has time for that
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Walter Carlos...have you ever seen a wendy bird??
I really don't know much about her, but I listened to her work and it is eery in a way that is perfect for the movies that she wrote the scores to. They not only create the moods that you are feeling but the music enhances any drama or action by perfectly fitting in with the moment of the movie. Carlos is phenomenal with her musical timing in these pieces, and it is no wonder why these movies were such great pieces because not only were the movies shocking...but the music was mind blowing.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Stanley Kubrick: SInging in The Rain...
This movie is strange and freaks me out. I really do not understand what is happening half the time, and there is a lot of weird comments and actions that take place throughout the entire film. However, one of the most aggravating parts of this movie is the Scene where Alex and his droogs break into the writer's house and rapes his wife...all the while he is singing "Singing in the Rain." The movie Singing in the Rain is probably one of my favorite movies of all naturally it has a bright glimmering light of perfection over it. SO when scenes like this happen to this song, its not a good thin in my eyes.
Now many people look at this scene with great confusion, of all songs to sing, why chose this one? The original song is about a man saying fuck you to everything (specifically the weather) because no matter what happens he is in love and nothing is going to ruin the happiness that he feels. SO why, then does a man beating someone and raping a woman sing this. Well you could suggest, maybe this crazy individual is saying fuck you to the law system and he is going to do exactly what makes him happy. However, I just don't think that this is the case. Not many people are that intuitive with music. SO why then?
Well with a little research you can see that this means absolutely nothing. This is simply the only song that this actor new all the words to. The director told him to sing a song as this occurred, and did not give him any direction. So why not chose a happy-go-lucky song to sing as this devastating scene takes place. Why not freak everyone by being the happiest individual, as you break the law in so many ways. Way to go actor, learn so more music selections.
Fun fact:
This was also a creative choice because it represented the downfall of humanity. That they could take such a creative song, that was to resemble the advances that have been made in the world and the filming industry, and now make it this harsh reality where some one is actually being beaten to death by the simple wim that a crazy druggy had. and it is scary. The director unintentionally created this deeper meaning, all because the actor only new the words of this song.
The Movie That Shook the World

This 1974 movie production, "Earthquake" was one that literally shook the world. As production companies began to fight to establish their movie supremacy, new ways of adding suspense and appeal to their audiences developed. What was so unique to this film, however, was the newly used "Sensurroud" system. This system revolutionized the theater, in that they now made the 4th wall even less, and the viewer's seat became a prop to the movie.
The use of huge base speakers produced a frequency that was so low, the human ear is unable to pick it up. However, the vibrations would shake the theater, and simulate the feeling that the audience was actually in the earthquake. This added such a sense of fear to the audience because they were now unable to decide what was really happening around them. The theater also had speakers organized based on frequency, placing high frequencies towards the ceiling and then working its way down.
This movie created a new surge of films and expectations in the theater. My mother went to see this movie when she was a kid, age 10, and she said that she had nightmares for about a week. Every time that she heard a rumbled or felt any kind of bump, she would freeze waiting for the earthquake to hit. My dad on the other hand, 11, was forbidden to see the movie because his parents did not want to have terrified children. SO when he naturally snuck in to the movies with his friends family, he had a blast. He said it was one of the coolest things that he had ever gone to. And was let down whenever films did not do the same thing. Universal had created something magical, and hooked audiences to come to all of their suspense tragedy movies.
The use of huge base speakers produced a frequency that was so low, the human ear is unable to pick it up. However, the vibrations would shake the theater, and simulate the feeling that the audience was actually in the earthquake. This added such a sense of fear to the audience because they were now unable to decide what was really happening around them. The theater also had speakers organized based on frequency, placing high frequencies towards the ceiling and then working its way down.
This movie created a new surge of films and expectations in the theater. My mother went to see this movie when she was a kid, age 10, and she said that she had nightmares for about a week. Every time that she heard a rumbled or felt any kind of bump, she would freeze waiting for the earthquake to hit. My dad on the other hand, 11, was forbidden to see the movie because his parents did not want to have terrified children. SO when he naturally snuck in to the movies with his friends family, he had a blast. He said it was one of the coolest things that he had ever gone to. And was let down whenever films did not do the same thing. Universal had created something magical, and hooked audiences to come to all of their suspense tragedy movies.
Sound and Color Finally Show Up at the Scene
Movies Talk?!
As film continued to develop, a new side of movies was created. SOUND. Now sound as been around since the first set of ears were grown. However, there was never the combination of film and music or film and sound, unless there was a live orchestra preforming. Which personally I wouldn't be upset with a live orchestra at every production that I attended, because they rock. But still the demand was relevant because there was not enough bands to be at every production of a movie, and the silent films were losing their appeal.

Sound in movies first showed up in the 1900s. However, this was the earliest of types of movies and this is very apparent. The film would have to be played along with a record of the sound that was to accompany. However, to achieve perfect synchronization was a very difficult task, as the machines they had were not the top of the line in development. Most times you would find the sound would fall behind because of error with film jumping, or the turn table playing the record would slow down. This also limited length of movies now, because they were only able to record certain times of music and sound on a record.
This product eventually was eventually commercialized in America and started developing shorts with more accurate recordings called TALKIES. Movies that Talked. Although they started as shorts is was only a matter of time before the first full length talkie was developed, and movies would never be silenced again! "The Jazz Singer" broke down every wall that had prohibited the movies realist movement, and they again began to destroy that 4th wall. After this movie hit the world in 1927, the race was on to produce Talkies, and the next era of movies began. By the 30's every developed country was beginning to start their own production.
And the film producers said "Let there be COLOR"

AS sound was developing, experiments were also being taken on the actual film of the movies. COlor was a necessary development if the producers wanted to continually move toward that realistic feel of films. The first technique to add color was done in 1907 with the invention of Kinemacolor. This machine developed color in films by alternating the filters that were used on the film itself. The producers used red and green filters, and as the film was played, the image produce would blend colors together. This in a way tricked the eye into making colors appear, even though they were technically developed as only red and green or black and white.

Then with another adaptation, producers found that although a two color filtering system was producing some of the effects that they wanted, a better filter system would produce a more realistic representation of the colorful world that the eye perceives. This was called TECHNICOLOR, and holy cow did it create an explosion in the movie world. (Reminder music was developing at the same time, this is when the world begins to hear movies talk)
This creation employed the use of the filtering system, however it was no longer an alternating disk producing the filter. There were three films recording at the same time, and each film was through a different filter: Red, Green, and BLUE...hence RGB. These films were then laid on top of each other when produced, thus creating the color that was seen on movies. In 1916 the first technicolor camera was developed, and with the production of Disney films and then the 1939 production of the "Wizard of Oz," color had taken its place as the leader in Hollywood.
As film continued to develop, a new side of movies was created. SOUND. Now sound as been around since the first set of ears were grown. However, there was never the combination of film and music or film and sound, unless there was a live orchestra preforming. Which personally I wouldn't be upset with a live orchestra at every production that I attended, because they rock. But still the demand was relevant because there was not enough bands to be at every production of a movie, and the silent films were losing their appeal.

Sound in movies first showed up in the 1900s. However, this was the earliest of types of movies and this is very apparent. The film would have to be played along with a record of the sound that was to accompany. However, to achieve perfect synchronization was a very difficult task, as the machines they had were not the top of the line in development. Most times you would find the sound would fall behind because of error with film jumping, or the turn table playing the record would slow down. This also limited length of movies now, because they were only able to record certain times of music and sound on a record.

AS sound was developing, experiments were also being taken on the actual film of the movies. COlor was a necessary development if the producers wanted to continually move toward that realistic feel of films. The first technique to add color was done in 1907 with the invention of Kinemacolor. This machine developed color in films by alternating the filters that were used on the film itself. The producers used red and green filters, and as the film was played, the image produce would blend colors together. This in a way tricked the eye into making colors appear, even though they were technically developed as only red and green or black and white.

This creation employed the use of the filtering system, however it was no longer an alternating disk producing the filter. There were three films recording at the same time, and each film was through a different filter: Red, Green, and BLUE...hence RGB. These films were then laid on top of each other when produced, thus creating the color that was seen on movies. In 1916 the first technicolor camera was developed, and with the production of Disney films and then the 1939 production of the "Wizard of Oz," color had taken its place as the leader in Hollywood.
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