Monday, October 8, 2012

Look inside the Mind

Scientists have developed a way where they can now read minds.....does anybody see a problem with this?

Technological advances has made it possible for scientists to now start reconstructing images, simply by scanning the brain activity. Yes I said simply, because brain scans have been around for such a long time now. CAT scans and MRI machines have been used and been developing for years now as research has proved new ways to use rays and light to pass through the body. However, now scientists have up-ed the game, and started to make even more meaning of these brain scans.

They are now examining how different parts of the brain function to create the images that we see. Such as regions firing when we see color, or firing when we see something familiar to us, or constructing movement and depth. This has allowed the scientists to use the firing spots, and have computers start to reconstruct the images of what the brain just saw. Essentially they are now reading minds.

This is a problem, because the brain retains memory. Meaning if someone is under this machine and thinks of say their family picture from christmas this year, a computer can now theoretically reconstruct this image. Which is AMAZING. People forget all the time, but now there is a way to figure it out again because of the layers of the brain. Or say you saw something in a crime, or simply want to just save for your own personal needs, then there can be a way to reconstruct this image, and string a bunch together... now a memory has been created in a movie. WHAT??? The possibilities are endless and they are going to have to keep developing this to clearly make an impact.

However...I see a few problems with this. 1)Its your mind...why would you want any body reading it. A lot of personal things occur up there, and in your life. However these machines can make that all go away, and learn everything there is to learn about a person. 2)If the can steal memories...does this mean they can create memeories. Sacrifices have always been made for the advancement of technology...I did not know freedom of thinking was going to be the next. If they can extract images...they certainly will develop away to put images in....essentially making the real world confusing. You will never know if something has been placed into your life because now an outside vender has control and they can make you function in an way possible. This is allll wayyy too much for me to handle. Next things zombies will actuallay exist...and no one has time for that

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