Joseph McCarthy was a Wisconsin Senator from the 1950's that led one of the largest attacks on communism in America. However, his tactics and the outcomes turned out to be rather questionable

Leading the search from 1950 to 1954, McCarthy accused hundreds of treason, selling secrets to the then Soviet Union, and all of this was done without proper evidence. Many people were placed on black list and reputations ruined because no one wanted to associate with a communist. He used this tactic to destroy many political careers (interesting as he was a senator trying to win votes) and also ruined artists lives because they were never able to find jobs again. All of this seems rather interesting that people continually followed, seeing as Joseph was a DRUNK! Homeboy was sippin' gin and juice like it was his job, in between spouts of communist accusations. So it can never really be clear if he actually believed this, or if his drunk ass was just hungover and pissed off at people..or just drunk and pissed off at people.
Regardless this was silenced by the US Senate towards the end of his political stent. They found that he was crazy and has no base to accuse people of this. HE later died of hepatitis and liver problems...believed from his heavy drinking.
Still the story continues after his death. Investigations were conducted because treason is not taken lightly in the US.. especially during the cold war. And the government found that this crazy drunk had some actually results. there were people selling secrets to the Soviets...although most of them were not the accused, and often had cried wolf during the red scare. So overall, he had a great idea to accuse people and find them guilty...he just did not have any evidence. YOLO
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