When some hear the word Adobe, the may think of the brown material that is the primary building supply of many homes in the southwest desert region of the us, and of course YOU WOULD BE RIGHT.

However, today MANY others may actually think of the annoying system that always updates your computer, but no matter what you MUST HAVE IT or else your computer will cease to function. Well, that may be a little bit of an over dramatization of the truth...but it really is import. And why you may ask? Well first look at the history of the company.
Founded in the 80's Adobe was in a time when computers were just starting to develop and were in a need to figure how the screen would work and function well for the users. After problems with Xerox, founder John Warnock said aint nobody got time for that, and left to start his own company...Adobe. His goals were to write a system that would allow pixels to form to create fonts and styles on the computer screen. And he achieved this with his Type 1 font library. This made it possible to changes fonts and allow the computer operator to actually see them on display as he typed them. However, this was no enough Microsoft was hot on his trail, and although Adobe worked with Apple, Inc. first, Microsoft got ahold of them. This led to a combined effort releasing the new OpenTable Font applications for computers. This virtually unlocked the realms of fonts and accurately displaying them on screens. But what was even better is now, they were able to print. And not just print the words, but have a laser printer accurately depict the screen on the paper. THe world of computer font manipulation had begun, and now the printer was traveling as a companion. FOr the world was opened to printing exactly what the screen had for it.
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