Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm Confused

When these two humanoids were first shown in class, my reaction was definitely like...hmm da fuck does Santi have us looking at now. Well I still kind of think that, but these humanoids are known as Eva and Adele. 

Eva and Adele are a couple from Berlin. Their story is strange from the beginning, they claim to be from a different time, and that their time traveler had dropped them off in 1989, when they first came into the art world. Eva is the "man" of the couple, although she believes entirely that her soul is female. And was even able to change her birth certificate to female...idk its weird. Adele is the female of the group, orginally. She kept her sex. 

The couple wanted to be married as to females, and began to alter themselves so that the two looked almost identical. They wanted to become a living artwork. AS a couple they feel that there is no difference between the other and want to show that they are virtually the extension of the other.

Ok so lets break it down, these two women (as of recent one is now a women) are from the future, and want to be a living art form. Well they have to be neurotic. Its literally crazy to think that they do stuff like this, to alter their bodies just to match each other. It freaks me out and if I was by them I would probably huddle in a corner afraid they'd talk to me. BUT the best part about this is how art takes ANY FORM. They are the living embodiment of art. It has no boundaries, and it stay true to itself no matter what comes towards it. And that incredible. ITs as if you wanted to be able to talk to your favorite painting...and now you can. Creepy, but sooo out there that its wonderful.

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